Tuesday, May 14, 2013


                                                          Today was SPECTACULAR!!
                                One of my favorite days of the year! FLOWER BUYING DAY! 

 Ranks right up there with Christmas and The 4th of July for me! Last week my husband said, "Hey Jen feel free to go get flowers for your pots. I can't wait to come home to the house all decorated with flowers."
I love that he sees it and appreciates it, as well as funds it! (tehehehe)
I love annuals. I probably spend way more than I should, but I really enjoy them. They bring me such happiness when I drive up my driveway to my pots full of blooming gorgeousness!!! 

Today was 97 degrees and  it felt amazing to have my hands in the warm dirt!
There is nothing better!

Here is just a sample of the work I did today! 
With our youngest graduating I decided to go with pink to match the grad party decor! 
I know it seems silly to spend a lot of money on annuals but when they look like this I just cannot help myself.
I spent 2 hours in Pahls today and didn't get enough so I ended back there tonight to finish the job.
What a magnificent day it was! I can't wait to get back at it tomorrow.

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