Thursday, May 24, 2012


The day is fast approaching and I am consumed with thoughts.

Reminiscing on how fast my life is going. How quickly my son grew up.

Time flies

30 days until my first born is married.

30 days until I become a mother- in- law!

Dear Lord, help me to be better than I have been.

To be a better example to my daughter-in-law.

To love unconditionally.

To understand and have compassion.

To not complain!

To not give directions to my husband when he is driving! He doesn't need my help!

To be the best version of myself.

To put others before me.

To always put You first Lord.

All this so she might see you in me and love you too!

This is what 30 days before your child's wedding feels like. A rush of emotions like a freight train!

I had really hoped to be 20 pounds lighter too but that didn't happen so I feel a bit like a freight train!

This is the beginning of a new life for all the Bettelli's.

A new story unfolding.

A new chapter in my book! Coming soon to a Nook near you!

1 comment:

Lisa Groves said...

Enjoy every Chapter Jenni! You will be the best mother-in-law!!