Monday, October 8, 2012


Boot Camp was the theme of our state women's retreat this last weekend.
Our retreat is one of my favorite things to do all year.
For many reasons.
 Some people I know think I am enjoying camp as if I were in Jr. High and that would be correct.
I admit it, I enjoy time away from home with friends. I enjoy silly talks and serious time with God. I enjoy hanging twinkle lights over our cabin area and If that means I am Jr. Highish then SO BE IT!
There is something about camp that opens my senses to everything.
Yes, I like to have a good time. It is God's way of pushing my REFRESH button.
Being with people, energizes me. I learn from the older ladies and the younger ladies as well.
 I see greatness in all of them and it teaches me there is greatness with in me as well.
In the silly talks we learn that we are all the same. We crave the same things just in different ways.
So many times women are in competition with each other.
Or trying to pretend like everything is ok.
Camp is like a  therapist couch. Comfy, and safe and neutral. A place to allow you to be you and to let someone else to speak into your life and allow God to do something new.
I love camp for all of these reasons.

Getting there is half the fun!
I often wonder why we go to this retreat each year. As we have to bring everything but the kitchen sink with us.
Everything a good hotel would have. But we stay in a cabin.
WHY? Because there is something very intimate about cabins. Something very special about them.
The campy camaraderie  that takes place even with those you don't know. Serious talks in the dark and silly activities as well! People falling off air mattresses in the middle of the night and over 40 year olds trying to climb onto bunk beds. It's all part of the experience.
Yes, you do see a Kuerig in the picture. I have said many times over that I do not have a problem with caffeine I have a problem without it! Turns out I am not the only one. I played the part of Barista this weekend with Hot Cocoa and Coffee, as the temps hovered somewhere near 40 degrees.

It became more important to have coffee than cute boots. All though there were plenty of those as well.

In my last blog post I wrote about making things special for others and receiving that back. That is why I go. That is why I choose these women to go with. They get this concept. Right down to decorating our cabins inside and out.
I am refreshed because God has refreshed me through his Spirit in the services and through his Daughter's outside of the services.
We are all alike. Even with our differences.

Thank you Ladies for a wonderful refreshing weekend.

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