Saturday, September 11, 2010

911 From Lady Liberty

911 From Lady Liberty
By Jenni Bettelli
The morning of 911 2001

On the morning of 9-11-2001, I sat on my coffee table in my living room, mouth agape with disbelief as to the events my eyes were seeing. As smoke billowed behind Lady Liberty I couldn't help but cry.
I grabbed my notebook and penned these words so quickly it practically spilled onto the page.

Alone she has always stood in the middle of the bay.
Never so alone as she would feel today.

As the sun shone brightly across the morning sky,
The torch of Lady Liberty proudly held high.

The sounds of the city ring clearly in her ears,
The majesty of a nation soon to be seared.

She could never have imagined the travesty to come her way,
As she securely watched from a distance in the bay.

Sounds all around her, so familiar everyday,
Then the roaring of an engine would begin the melee.

Terrified she watches, helpless from where she stands.
Destruction all around her, as fear fills the land.

She, though, untouched, watches with tears,
As the security of a nation we have held dear,
Is now shaken to it’s core by the acts of cowards.
Then it happens again and again in two short hours.

Her feet firmly planted in the waters off the shore,
Would never be moved by these acts of war.

Though shaken as she was
She knows in whom we trust.

For it is written across our nation,
God is our firm foundation.

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